Have you forgotten the password for your one or more mail accounts?
Do not really understand the technical issues of this topic?
A mass CSA email access reminder will
help you with this!
This program will help you find the Host, Port
for connection. It will also help to recall the data for
authorization, namely the Login and Password.
Everything is very simple. You load your base “email:password” (which you remember), then the program will do everything for you and give the result in the form “host: port: login: pass “ !
Need to find emails by keywords, create statistics or upload them in a readable format? You are on the right track!
Use the "Add Letter" function to add letters to your mailboxes without even entering your mail. Forget about problems with email protocols.
Upload results in any format convenient for you !
The author of the program is not responsible for using the program for other purposes, damage or other illegal actions in any jurisdictions!
- Support three protocols SMTP , POP3 , IMAP
- Letters search by keywords
- IMAP contacts downloading
- SMTP sending/delivery check
- Letters appending ( + checking Inbox / Spam ( auto readding ) + statistics included )
- Statistics for subdomain search ( corporate domains )
- Multithreading
- Very simple config file
- Complex host and port definition scheme ( web configs, DNS MX+A records Analysis, subdomain search for MX , FQDN etc. )
- Socks 4/5 Support
- Password generation/bruteforce option
- Supported OS: Vista / Win7 / Win10 / WinServer 2008+
CSA LITE Features
- Local config&web config
- Mozilla&CSA web config
- DNS+MX+A records checking
- subdomain search for MX , FQDN etc
- Host&Port brute
- Up to 4500 threads
- Multiple copies at the same time
- 3 PC's for license by default
- Speed depends on your PC
- Reading from file / url
- Socks checking option
- Reading interval
- TimeOuts config
- Socks 25 port checking
- Configuration of errors and retries
- Uploading additional list of passwords
- Generating password option based on UserName / Host / MX / etc...
- Upload your letter into 100% inbox
- Avoid any spam filters
- Any attachments supported
- Wide macros system
- Get wide statistic
- Check your SMTP's for inbox delivery
- Check specific domains
- Get wide statistic
- Download your contacts from IMAP
- Avoid trash folders like "Spam","Trash" etc. Manual config
- Avoid old contacts and letters, download by date or count
- Avoid contacts by your keywords
- Get statistics about keywords in each email in custom format
- Download exact messages by your keywords
- Searching by From, Subject, Body, mixed requests
- Regular Expressions support
- Save your results in any format
- Macros system
- Compatibility with other software
- Windows Server 2008 and higher
- Windows XP / Vista / Win7 / Win10
Version history
1.5 16.07.2020, 10:17:49
Version 1.5, 16.07.2020
- General
- Saving all settings from the Config tab;
- Now you can see the names of the downloaded files (emails and socks);
- Changed output. The name of the result file is now in this form (Example: Goods_Name_of_sourceFile_Date.txt ) . Especially for easy input / output recognition;
- Added support for socks with authorization
1.6.0 22.07.2020, 06:06:32
Version 1.6.0, 22.07.2020
- General
- Fixed auto-update module. Now .rar/.zip downloaded without errors
- The mechanism for working with proxies has been rewritten. Now the program runs faster.
- Minor changes in graphics.
1.6.1 20.09.2020, 18:11:49
Version 1.6.1, 20.09.2020
- General
- NEW SMTP sending & delivery check options added
- Socks supporting for new options
- Checking speed increased for 10%
- New level in definition scheme. Host&port searching success increased for 18%
1.6.2 26.09.2020, 06:58:25
Version 1.6.2, 26.09.2020
- General
- Small bug fixes
1.6.3 16.10.2020, 14:18:38
Version 1.6.3, 16.10.2020
- General
- IMAP contacts downloading + segregation options
- Small bug fixes
- Saving bad accounts to a separate file
- POP3 is used only on IMAP failure
1.6.4 28.10.2020, 17:28:33
Version 1.6.4, 26.10.2020
- General
- Check of letters by the keyword's. Checking the FROM header on your keys. Output in the format: email: pass | number of letters .
- Added the ability to change the output format for a regular check to valid. Now change the output format as you like. 7 variables are available: Host, Port, Login, Password, SSL, TLS and field separator.Sequence and save in any format and with any line separator.
- Fixed compatibility of SSL libraries. Improved check.
- All specified keywords and values are remembered (no need to re-enter each time)
- The format for saving the results has been changed. For each downloaded database, a separate folder is now created where logs, goods, troubles, etc. are stored.
- Minor fixes on the structure of the code.
1.6.5 28.10.2020, 17:30:33
Version 1.6.5, 28.10.2020
- General
- Fixed bug with creating folders and results files associated with special characters.
- Fixed a bug with zeroing the save format.
1.6.6 22.11.2020, 19:46:20
Version 1.6.6, 17.11.2020
- General
- Output of the remaining lines (if stop) to the file: LAST.txt
- Bringing all the options into a single main stream (IMAP, capturing IMAP contacts, searching for IMAP keywords, adding an IMAP message)
- Fixed error saving output (Results Format tab)
- Added local config again
- Added additional attempts to connect to the web config of the mozilla (including with a change of socks)
- Removed the Save button to save the results manually. It is not needed since the results are written to the file in real time.
- Search and download letters
- ADD Letter Option
- You can perform several functions from the IMAP section! All options will be executed sequentially on the main thread!
- Increased the speed of work by reducing the load on the stack! But when you enable additional options, work will slow down as everything is done in one thread.
- Minor bugs fixed!
1.6.7 22.11.2020, 19:46:35
Version 1.6.7, 17.11.202
- General
- Minor bugs fixed!
1.6.8 22.11.2020, 19:50:09
Version 1.6.8, 23.11.2020
- General
- Fixed SSL library incompatibility error
- Added configuration file
- Added one more stage for determining the host when analyzing DNS
- Changed the scheme of working with the config file
- Accelerated work
- The output of the result on the screen is removed, only statistics remain
- Minor changes and bug fixes
1.6.9 26.11.2020, 17:24:57
Version 1.6.9, 26.11.2020
- General
- Improved check mechanism
- Improved DNS analysis
- Improved error analysis in server response
- Fixed bug when enabling Imap Grab contacts option
- Fixed bug when disabling Always Brute Host option
- Small fixes
1.7.0 03.12.2020, 16:29:53
Version 1.7.0, 03.12.2020
- General
- Updated Config file
- Code structure updates
- Small fixes
1.7.2 09.12.2020, 17:59:12
Version 1.7.2, 09.12.2020
- General
- Extended config added, option to change config format
- Small bug fixes
1.7.3 14.01.2021, 15:15:23
Version 1.7.3, 17.12.2020
- General
- Added macros for the IMAP ADD function (APPEND - adding a letter to inbox)
- Added an error counter (the server response is perceived as an error )
- The code was also slightly altered. Some users managed to cram the database with spaces inside the password or username and complained that the software does not work fine
- Now, when downloading letters, fresh letters will be at the beginning of the file (sorting from new to old from top to bottom)
- Small fixes
1.7.4 14.01.2021, 15:17:06
Version 1.7.4, 18.12.2020
- General
- Fixed output of goods file
- Fixed the problem with starting the application (there was a bug in the update module in version 1.7.3)
1.7.5 14.01.2021, 15:17:38
Version 1.7.5, 19.12.2020
- General
- Small fixes
1.7.6 14.01.2021, 15:19:42
Version 1.7.6, 25.12.2020
- General
- Fixed CPU load, removed Config.ini, added new host definition schemes
- The program has been accelerated
- Changed and updated Corp.ini config (do not change it yourself)
- Added analysis of "A" records for DNS check.
- Added functions (read the section ***** KeyWord search ***** in the ReadMe file!): Downloading of absolutely all emails (at the request of users) & Selection of letters by date is enabled by "Check by Date"
1.7.7 14.01.2021, 15:21:10
Version 1.7.7, 29.12.2020
- General
- Small fixes
1.7.8 14.01.2021, 15:22:43
Version 1.7.8, 09.01.2021
- General
- The remainder is created by pressing the STOP button. This is done due to the complexity of the line-by-line implementation and the CPU load when working with large files.
- Fixed problem with encodings when downloading letters by Keyword.
- Added general display of statistics when checking letters for keywords. Now, in addition to statistics for a separate keyword (a folder with each separate keyword is created and statistics for each pair of mail: pass), a general file is also created with statistics for all keywords at once, format: "email; pass | keyword | number of letters". General statistics for keywords is in the Statistic file in the root of the results folder, next to the Good, Bad files.
- In addition to the default macros A system of custom user macros has been added for the "ADD Letter" (APPEND) function, now you can create your own Macros and randomize letters added to the inbox.
- Small fixes.
1.7.9 14.01.2021, 15:24:49
Version 1.7.9, 14.01.2021
- General
- Statistics for each found subdomain
- Statistics on getting into Inbox or Spam folder when adding a message with the function "Add Letter" ( Append )
- Small fixes
1.8.0 06.11.2022, 13:11:01
Version 1.8.0, 04.02.2021
- General
- Added mixed queries "Mixed queries"
- Added timestamp "TimeStamp" when grabbing Contacts from IMAP "Imap Contacts"
- Minor fixes on the output format of keyword statistics
- Fix button STOP
1.8.1 06.11.2022, 13:12:39
Version 1.8.1, 07.02.2021
- General
- Small fixes
1.8.2 06.11.2022, 13:14:11
Version 1.8.2, 08.02.2021
- General
- By double clicking on the path of the downloaded file "Base Path", the folder with the results for a particular running copy of the software opens.
- Minor fixes
1.8.3 06.11.2022, 13:16:04
Version 1.8.3, 12.02.2021
- General
- Now you can download socks immediately from a pack of links, specify in a column
- Fixed crash warning when using Message Part in Mixed Requests
- Fixed zeroing counters when clicking on the "Upload" button, now it only happens when the database is loaded
- Added additional attempts and analysis of the server response when downloading headers when searching for queries (keywords), which positively affected the stability of searching for queries
- Minor fixes
1.8.4 06.11.2022, 13:17:21
Version 1.8.4, 16.02.2021
- General
- Minor fixes
1.8.5 06.11.2022, 13:18:27
Version 1.8.5, 20.02.2021
- General
- Update notification crash bug fixed
- Fixed query output (some queries went to another folder)
- Minor fixes
1.8.6 06.11.2022, 13:19:27
Version 1.8.6, 24.02.2021
- General
- Fixed a bug of software freezing when pressing the STOP button
- Fixed work with encodings when downloading letters. If the Letter was broken into parts Boundary , then the software sometimes worked incorrectly
- Minor fixes
1.8.7 06.11.2022, 13:20:25
Version 1.8.7, 28.02.2022
- General
- Fixed web config, replaced by Mozilla web config
- Fixed minor bugs
1.8.8 06.11.2022, 13:21:28
Version 1.8.8, 04.03.2022
- General
- Fixed web config, created its own web config
- Created redundant servers for testing the load and traffic on the webconfig
1.8.9 06.11.2022, 13:22:08
Version 1.8.9, 05.03.2022
- General
- Added new server on Config backend + installed SQLProxy caching pad
- Minor fixes
1.9.0 06.11.2022, 13:22:37
Version 1.9.0, 10.03.2022
- General
- Minor fixes
1.9.1 06.11.2022, 20:05:58
Version 1.9.1, 11.03.2021
- General
- Minor fixes
1.9.2 06.11.2022, 20:10:18
Version 1.9.2, 28.03.2021
- General
- Fixed minor bug of check corp domains
- Added manual rebrute setting ( "Config" tab, "rebrute" option)
- What the option is: This is the number of attempts to change socks and attempts to connect to mail, regardless of the server's response.
- This slightly improves the valid, but slows down the software by exactly 2 times.
- SMTP tab, now when checking for sending, it is possible to use your letter and the subject of the letter. Macros are also available for use: HOST , PORT, LOGIN, PASS, USERNAME, SSL, TLS (double click on a macro inserts it)
- Tab KeyWordSearch , Added the ability to specify folders that "DO NOT check" for queries.
- Tab Add Letter , Now you can set a folder with letters, i.e. all letters from the folder will be added to each processed mail
- The following macros for adding letters have also been added:
- {TO} - was also in previous versions ( email of the processed mail;pass pair)
- {HOST} - new, ( host of the mail;pass pair being processed)
- {PORT} - new, (port of the mail;pass pair being processed)
- {LOGIN} - new, ( login of the processed mail;pass pair)
- {PASS} - was also in previous versions (password of the processed mail;pass pair)
- {DATE} - real date in the format (example: 28, Mar 2021) - Your local time on PC must be in English (translate system language to English)
- {TIME} - Present time in format ( example : 12:35:23 )
- {LINK} - it was in previous versions, links are loaded from the LINKS.txt file (links are taken in a circle)
1.9.4 06.11.2022, 20:12:39
Version 1.9.4, 04.04.2021
- General
- Fix software crash with "EConvert Error" error when parsing by MessagePart ( KeywordSearch ) . Sometimes the server returned incorrect data and the software could not read them
- Added proactive notifications for the Add Leter option. The software checks the specified folder with letters for download, parses the Subject of the letter, checks everything, and in case of any errors, notifies the user before the start of the streams
- Minor fixes
1.9.5 06.11.2022, 20:15:46
Version 1.9.5, 04.05.2021
- General
- Added a backup stream that cuts off the connection of dead socks (Now the check will not stop)
- Fixed Remainder output. The remainder is saved to a LAST.txt file in the results folder every 10 seconds
- Added saving Subject and Message to check for delivery, SMTP tab
- Added a breakdown by files for Grabing contacts from IMAP, now when the size reaches 1GB, the next file will be created and the upload will continue there
- Minor fixes
1.9.6 06.11.2022, 20:16:43
Version 1.9.6, 07.05.2021
- General
- Fixed displaying a notification about incorrect paths in the Add Letter option
- Added FolderStamp ( Grab Contacts tab) - adds the folder name from where the contact was robbed
- Added a notification if you suddenly forgot to specify socks
- Minor fixes
1.9.9 06.11.2022, 20:17:53
Version 1.9.9, 20.05.2021
- General
- Changes in the name of the statistics file for a specific request. Now there will be a Keyword in the file name (at the request of clients, for easy search of files in subfolders), The following special characters in the keyword name will be replaced with an underscore: *,|,\,:,",<,>,?,/
- Minor fixes in function "Grab contacts"
2.0.0 06.11.2022, 20:20:38
Version 2.0.0, 15.06.2021
- General
- Added "Change language" option, Config tab, in the top right corner. Available languages : EN, RU, UA
- Added the ability to change the output format for statistics by Keyword. Those. you can set the output format, for example: host:port:login:pass:keyword:number_of_messages.To do this, a separate column has been added to the Format Results tab. The results of the check for validation are saved in a separate format in a separate file. And the statistics on Kefords in another, in a different format specified by you.
- Added a new indicator "Socks trouble" , it shows the number of errors when working with a known host. Sox changes automatically after such an error. But this indicator may indicate problems on the side of the Sox provider or any other
- Extended functionality next "ADDON 1" :
- Added the ability to randomize attachments for the Add Letter option. You need to specify the attachment extension and specify the full path to the folder with attachments. They must all be of the same extension. The attachment will change after each specified number of attempts to add a letter. In order for the software to understand where to insert the encoded attachment. You need to insert the {ATTACH} macro into the EML code
- "Delete User Messages" function. It works right after the IMAP check. Works only when IMAP is enabled. Deletes messages from the user's INBOX folder based on specified conditions. FROM / SUBJECT / MESSAGE or mixed queries. Works according to the logic of the occurrence of a string in a substring. Those. If you want to delete all messages containing the word dating in the sender's address, then: enter the word "dating" in the "From" field. etc. Comment. Since "User Delete Messages" works first, right after the authorization check. You can delete the letters you need by keywords from the user box, and then add your own through the "Add Letter" function!
2.0.1 06.11.2022, 20:26:07
Version 2.0.1, 17.06.2021
- General
- Changes in the User Delete Messages function (Addon1 extension). If the Add letter option is enabled. Delete Messages fires before Add Letter. If the KeyWordSearch option is enabled. Delete Messages is triggered after a key search
- Also minor fixes on graphics, speed check
2.0.2 06.11.2022, 20:27:49
Version 2.0.2, 22.06.2021
- General
- Fixed crashes with error "Canvas does not allow drawing" ( temporary removed error output "socks trouble")
- Fixed parsing of the "Message part" for the "KeyWordSearc"h option with mixed requests
- Changed and supplemented "IMAP grab contacts". Parsing is now more stable.
- Regular expressions in the "Keyword Search" tab are not working yet. Will be in the next versions.
- Changed and added "keyword search" parsing for POP3 protocol.
- Addon1, added deletion of requests from all folders, not just "Inbox" folder
- Small fixes
2.0.3 06.11.2022, 20:29:43
Version 2.0.3, 06.07.2021
- General
- Added KeyWordSearch search using regular expressionsAttention ! If you have not made the regular season correctly, the software will not notify you about it. Use onlineregular expression writing services! Also, when using regular expressions, the check is greatly slowed down when checking the body of the message "Message part". This is due to the technical features of the IMAP protocol. Regular expressions searches also support "mixed requests". Works in the same way as regular search. Read ReadMe below.
- Improved, clarified the check for keywords. Now checks more accurately.
2.0.4 06.11.2022, 20:32:10
Version 2.0.4, 06.09.2021
- General
- Fixed crash when creating Imap grab contacts result files exceeding 1GB
- Fixed syntax problems for Regular Expressions in the KeyWordSearch tab, the module has been rewritten for the new library
- Added a new tab "Collaboration", where you can double-click on the Links to view the services offered by our partners, such as socks 4/5 and others ...
- Minor fixes for Addon 1
- Added new function for Addon 1: "Delete first messages" - This option works only when "Delete user messages" is enabled, the "Addon1" tab (who has it). The function deletes the specified number of messages in the "New to Old" range. This function is useful if you are using the Add Letter function and you have a lot of Failed when adding, it is mainly caused by overflowing mailboxes, if the base is spammed by the same craftsmen. You can clean the database with this function, and then start spam over a new one. If the database is spammed or the mailboxes are full, this does not mean that such a database is dead or there will be no traffic from it. This is an erroneous statement. Sometimes you can squeeze out super bomb traffic from the oldest public bases. You can also clean your databases from fulfilled "Key word Search" queries so that your competitors do not find the same queries as you.
2.0.5 06.11.2022, 20:33:21
Version 2.0.5, 28.09.2021
- General
- Host search optimization
- Optimization of ini files for search speed
- Minor fixes
2.0.6 06.11.2022, 20:35:50
Version 2.0.6, 25.10.2021
- General
- Interface changes
- Added new indicators for socks 4/5 Now you can analyze the quality of your socks by advanced analysis of the server response, namely:
- "Blacklisted" indicator. Determines whether socks are in the mailer 's blacklist or not . In this case, the socks changes and authorization occurs again
- "Unknown" indicator. Fires when the server response contains "Temporary" , "Failure" . This means that for some reason the connection temporarily failed. In this case, the socks also automatically changes and the connection goes through again
- Minor edits on config files
- Minor bug fixes
2.0.7 06.11.2022, 20:38:47
Version 2.0.7, 09.11.2021
- General
- Added time counter (lower left corner).
- Added direct links to the FAQ (lower right corner). Double click to open.
- Changes in the KeyWordSearch tab. The "Download all letters" function has been improved, which downloads absolutely all letters, taking into account the restrictions "by date" and "by letter number". To enable this option, you need to enable the "KeyWord Search" option on the main tab, as well as the "Download all letters" option itself. After enabling the option, 2 download options will be available: First: "Encoded" - in its original form EML (ie source with all headers); Second: "Decoded" - Decoded, readable text, etc. Since you see the letter in the mail client. A separate folder is created for each mail; pass pair. Each letter is downloaded to a separate file.
- New tab with statistics for found queries. Displaying statistics is enabled by the "Show stat" option in the "KeyWord Search" tab. The statistics itself is displayed in the "Keyword Stat" tab and has two formats: - Email - Request - Number of messages (i.e., it displays each email, the request found in this email and the number of emails with this request) - Total request - Total number of emails by request (i.e. Displays the Request and the number of emails with this request) Statistics results can be saved to a file.
- The "Process Brute On" and "Pasword generation" function has been moved from the "Config" tab to the new "Brute Force" tab Brute Force Tab: Enabled option "Process brute on" allows loading an additional list of passwords. It also allows you to enable the "Password generation" option, which will generate a list of passwords Based on the templates you have chosen (you can choose any number). You can create the Extensions list yourself (enter it into a column, the values are then remembered).
2.0.8 06.11.2022, 20:39:28
Version 2.0.8, 09.11.2021
- General
- Minor fixes
2.0.9 06.11.2022, 20:40:48
Version 2.0.9, 16.11.2021
- General
- Fixed bug ( Work stoped! Only mail list provided ! Enable Brute Force option to create password list ! ) . Now it works correctly.
- Fixed download for "Download all letters' function when Encoded/Decoded . Downloaded everything in .eml extension. Now extensions of downloaded letters for Encoded = .eml , for Decoded = .txt
- Fixed time counter. Now correctly stops at the end of the check.
- Created a new module for buffering requests to the config server. The load on the CSA server is reduced, and less Internet traffic is used. Buffering happens every 120 seconds based on previous config requests. On average servers, the check speed should be faster
- Minor fixes
2.1.0 06.11.2022, 20:43:05
Version 2.1.0, 30.11.2021
- General
- Crash bug fixed
- Changed the scheme of work with SMTP, namely the handling of TLS errors. It will now be better to check some domains
- Minor fixes
2.1.1 06.11.2022, 20:47:02
Version 2.1.1, 08.02.2022
- General
- Optimized work with streams and requests to the config server. This allowed to reduce the traffic load both on your servers and on the CSA config server.
- Added new configurations to the CSA server. Some providers have changed connection hosts. Only manual analysis of specific cases allowed us to improve work with a whole list of domains.
- Added new exception masks for "Grab Contacts" option, Grab_Exceptions.txt file. Now your bases of collected contacts will be much cleaner and more organized.
- New system for analyzing server response errors + optimizing the work of socks
- The mechanism of the "Add letter" option and work with memory have been redesigned
- Minor fixes.
2.1.2 06.11.2022, 20:51:26
Version 2.1.2, 11.02.2022
- General
- Minor fixes
2.1.4 06.11.2022, 21:00:58
Version 2.1.4, 21.03.2022
- General
- Optimized work with CSA web config
- Optimized buffering of requests to the config
- Updated CSA config + local config
- Added option "Disable CSA web config" in Config tab. Allows you to disable the connection to CSA WebConfig manually and switch exclusively to local and auxiliary web configs. In case of attacks or crashes of CSA servers, this will allow speed up the program by avoiding connection timeouts to CSA servers.
2.1.5 06.11.2022, 21:04:38
Version 2.1.5, 01.05.2022
- General
- Minor fixes
2.1.6 06.11.2022, 21:08:06
Version 2.1.6, 04.05.2022
- General
- Addon1 : Optimized the "Delete messages" function, added error handling when the connection is broken, as well as additional connection attempts. Work has become more stable. Added the ability to select folders for work. If you need to work with a specific custom folder, you can add it to the list via the "ini.ini" file by adding it to the [FoldersToDeleteNames] section.
- Addon1 : Added the ability to additionally specify date criteria for deleted messages. To enable the option, check the "Check by date" box in the Addon1 tab. Two fields are available "From date" (not included) , "To date" (not included) . With which you can specify the time period for the search. "Not inclusive" means that if you specify a date from the 23rd to the 25th, letters received on the 24th will be deleted.
- Addon1 : For the "Delete first" option (which sets the number of ANY(all in a row) emails to delete), only the specified number of emails (oldest to newest) will be deleted. If you specify, for example, 1000 letters out of 50 available, then all 50 will be deleted. And if 1200 letters are available, then only 1000 of them will be deleted.
- Addon1 : "Delete first" option doesn't work for deleting messages by requests (From, Subject, Message, as well as mixed ones). Those. all messages with the specified criteria for the specified period of time will be deleted.
- "Results format" tab. Added the ability to add the necessary headers when downloading emails via "KeyWordSearch". You can add the following headers to the output: host, port, username, password, subject, from, date, reply-to . To select, check the boxes next to the required fields.
- Imap contacts tab. Slightly changed interface. Also added new fields that can be added to downloaded contacts. Namely: TimeStamp, FolderStamp, From, Subject . The selected fields will be added to the line with the downloaded contact.
- The mechanism for deleting messages has been optimized for the "Delete messages" option of the Addon1 tab. Added connection and socks error handling.
- Minor fixes
2.1.7 06.11.2022, 21:10:34
Version 2.1.7, 05.05.2022
- General
- Fix bug with date format
2.1.8 06.11.2022, 21:16:13
Version 2.1.8, 13.05.2022
- General
- "KeyWordSearch" tab: Added the ability to save presets and create query groups. Those. If you have, for example, different groups of requests for different countries. In order not to delete and insert new requests every time, you can create groups by remembering the settings for each individual group.
- - Save changes for query groups: Changes are saved when the application is closed. Changes are saved for the group that is open at the time the application is closed. If the group is not set (if there are no groups in the drop-down list), then the changes will be saved as default (by default).
- Added analysis of server responses in case of positive authorization. Domains were found that responded to commands with the server's "OK" response, and even responded to other IMAP commands, but IMAP was blocked by default and in the server's response the domain asked to open IMAP via the web. Now such emails will be marked as BAD . Because the server gave a false response.
- Minor fixes when changing the output format of downloaded emails.
2.2.0 06.11.2022, 21:17:40
Version 2.2.0, 20.05.2022
- General
- Minor fixes
2.2.1 06.11.2022, 21:18:33
Version 2.2.1, 14.06.2022
- General
- Minor fixes
2.2.2 06.11.2022, 21:18:49
Version 2.2.2, 15.06.2022
- General
- Minor fixes
2.2.3 06.11.2022, 21:19:16
Version 2.2.3, 17.06.2022
- General
- Minor fixes
2.2.4 06.11.2022, 21:20:12
Version 2.2.4, 21.06.2022
- General
- Fixed threads for the SMTP option, a typo was made in the previous version
- For the "SMTP check sending" option, it is no longer possible to specify the number of check threads for test IMAP . The thread is always 1.- By this, it became smoother to check the inbox of the test box.
- KeyWordSearch, redesigned error handling and connection attempts in case of connection failure
- Minor fixes
2.2.7 06.11.2022, 21:21:42
Version 2.2.7, 29.07.2022
- General
- Small fixes for SMTP check
- Added the ability to check only by Inbox, for the options "Imap contacts" , "KeyWordSearch", "Delete messages" ( Addon1 ). Now there is a choice between two options. Specify keywords for folders to be excluded ( Avoid Folders) , or check only "INBOX" .
- The "KeyWordSearch" tab, now add the Macro {TO} which changes to the holder's email. Thus, you can check for a keyword + user login.
- Tab "Brute Force", added password generation with Login with a Capital letter, as well as a password with a Capital letter. - First letter password Upper Case - First letter username Upper Case
- Minor fixes
2.2.8 06.11.2022, 21:23:58
Version 2.2.8, 30.08.2022
- General
- Fixed crash of version 2.2.7 "Access violation" error with IMAP+grab contacts options
- Added indicator/counter "Ip blocked" - counter of the error of the same name. Different from "socks blacklisted" . The main difference is that "Ip blocked" may indicate the possibility of login only from a specific IP or ip range.
- The "Config" tab, the "Disable counters" option is a temporary option, for those who get the "Canvas does not allow drawing" error, an error of some graphics driver. If this option is enabled, all operation indicators will be disabled. You can understand that the software has finished working when the threads go to 0.
- Changes in the selection of socks in case of server errors
- Updates to CSA webconfig
2.2.9 06.11.2022, 21:25:05
Version 2.2.9, 17.09.2022
- General
- Improved "KeyWordSearch" keyword search for both IMAP and POP3
- Optimized the "Download all letters" option on the "KeyWordSearh" tab
- Added web Config CSA
- Optimized message pumping and error handling on the side of ISP servers
- Optimized "Imap Grab Contacts" option
- Optimized work with memory
2.3.0 06.11.2022, 21:25:37
Version 2.3.0, 22.09.2022
- General
- Optimization of host searching
- Small fixes
2.3.1 06.11.2022, 21:26:52
Version 2.3.1, 12.10.2022
- General
- New host search scheme
- New DNS parsing scheme, MX
- Updated CSA config
- Updated Corp.ini
- Added option "First letter domain UpperCase" for BruteForce tab
- Minor fixes
2.3.2 10.11.2022, 20:56:24
Version 2.3.2, 27.10.2022
- General
- Minor fixes
2.3.3 10.11.2022, 20:56:51
Version 2.3.3, 02.11.2022
- General
- Minor fixes
2.3.4 10.11.2022, 20:58:10
Version 2.3.4, 10.11.2022
- General
- Fixed option SMTP check sending, now checks for delivery more smoothly, added processing of timeouts, exceptions
- Added new timeouts in the SMTP tab, for the SMTP check sending option. "Delay" - technical timeout of the cycle. "Check delay" - waiting time after sending before starting check. Sometimes the email takes a really long time to come...
- Additions for CSA config
- Minor fixes
2.3.5 16.11.2022, 20:38:32
Version 2.3.5, 16.11.2022
- General
- Smtp option error fixed
- POP3 option error fixed
- Minor fixes
2.3.6 01.12.2022, 15:47:07
Version 2.3.6, 01.12.2022
- General
- Changes in the module for working with socks, additional analytics added. New files with results: BadCountry - the server responds that socks Country is forbidden to connect to this email; BannedPolicy - connection is prohibited by service policy; PassChange - you need to change your account password; SpecificPass - Requires a separate IMAP password to connect (e.g. gmail requires a separate IMAP connection password for external applications).
- SMTP option, "Check Send", check send. Added separate progress bar and verified accounts counter. Available only when the option is enabled. Additional options include SMTP (INBOX validation logic): "Real time" - checking for entry to smtp, then immediately sending. “After the completion of the main work” - check for sending only after main check of validity of the entire loaded database. The second option is more efficient, because some letters take a very long time to come to INBOX, and the timeout between the check for entry and for sending may not be captured by the software ...
- SMTP option, "Delete from folder if found" - Delete the test email (received for the check to send) from the user's mailbox after the software has found it.
- Minor fixes.